School-Based Training

ICSAVE belongs to you! Our organization was founded on the core belief that every citizen, when provided with appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities, can protect his or her communities from preventable injury and death. Don’t see what you are looking for below? Our school-based training programs can be custom tailored to fit your unique individual or organization’s needs.

ICSAVE has an entire cadre of certified instructors trained to provide these life-saving courses for little to NO COST. Contact us direct at for details.

Back To School Essentials: Sandy Hook Promise

The Time For Half Measures And Talk Is Over

Prevent Gun Violence Before It Starts

More Educators Preparing for a Safe School Year through ICSAVE Training

Preparing For The Unthinkable: Training Educators And Arizonans For Active Shooter Situations (

Educators Train For School Shootings

Active Shooter Training in Tucson

Uvalde videos show flawed medical response to Robb School Shooting

UVALDE, Tex. — Bullets had pierced Eva Mireles’s chest as she tried to shield students from a gunman’s semiautomatic rifle. But the fourth-grade teacher at Robb Elementary was still conscious when police carried her out of Classroom 112 and through a hallway crowded with dead and dying victims. ...Read more

Twenty Years After Columbine

On April 20, 1999, just after 11 a.m., two teen-agers stationed themselves at the top of a staircase outside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado, and opened fire on their classmates. Over the next forty-nine minutes, the pair, armed with shotguns and semi-automatic weapons, strode through the school, shooting and tossing pipe bombs, before killing themselves in the library. By the time swat teams completed their sweep of the school, five hours later, twelve more students and a teacher were dead.

Twenty years later, the Columbine shooting remains a watershed moment in the American consciousness.  Read full article on


Two decades after Columbine and five years after Sandy Hook, educators and police still weren’t ready for Parkland.  Read more...

In the Aftermath

Echoes of Columbine

Life After a Mass Shooting: A School Survivor Speaks

Bill Buckmaster Show with Pima County School Superintendent Dustin Williams Discussing School Security - March, 2018


School personnel will be provided with a basic overview of compression-only CPR, automated external defibrillators (AED), active violence deployments by law enforcement and fire / EMS personnel, the Hartford Consensus, and first-aid equipment and techniques that may be utilized to treat common injuries seen because of an active violence incident. Attendees will be introduced to CPR methodology, AED operations, rapid patient assessments, application of tourniquets, chest seals, and pressure dressings, and placing a patient in the recovery position. (One Hour Didactic Instruction)

School personnel will then be provided the opportunity to practice compression-only CPR, identify and treat common causes of preventable death, using both commercial and improvised devices. Emphasis will be placed on safety, fundamental first-aid skills, communication between personnel, and the use of bystanders. (One Hour Practical Application)


School personnel will be provided with the opportunity to practice compression-only CPR, with and without an automated external defibrillator (AED), identify and treat common causes of preventable death, using both commercial and improvised devices. Emphasis will be placed on safety, fundamental first-aid skills, communication between personnel, and the use of bystanders. (2 Hours Manipulative -Trauma First-Aid)

NOTE: Completion of Introduction to Immediate Responder Training for Teachers is a prerequisite to attend this course.


School personnel will be provided with the opportunity to practice compression-only CPR, with and without an automated external defibrillator (AED), identify and treat common causes of preventable death, using both commercial and improvised devices. Emphasis will be placed on safety, fundamental first-aid skills, communication between personnel, and the use of bystanders. Some skills stations will be performed under stressful conditions to expose and inoculate personnel to real-world examples. (2 Hours Manipulative: Trauma First-Aid)

NOTE: Completion of the Basic Immediate Responder Training for Teachers is a prerequisite to attend this course.

Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con)

In September of 2014, NAEMT announced a new education course to teach civilians evidence-based, life-saving bleeding control techniques shown to dramatically increase casualty survival. Called “Bleeding Control for the Injured,” aka “B-Con,” this course was developed in response to the Hartford Consensus led by Dr. Lenworth Jacobs, and at the request of Dr. Norman McSwain, who served as a member of the Hartford Consensus working group.

B-Con teaches participants the basic life-saving medical interventions, including bleeding control with a tourniquet, bleeding control with gauze packs or topical hemostatic agents, and opening an airway to allow a casualty to breathe. The course is designed for NON tactical law enforcement officers, firefighters, security personnel, teachers and other civilians requiring this basic training. B-Con is consistent with the recommendations of the Hartford Consensus on Improving Survival from Active Shooter Events.

NAEMT partners on this and all other trauma initiatives with the American College of Surgeons (ACS). Recently, ACS launched a new website, that includes a new instructor portal for the B-Con course. This new portal houses all of the B-Con course materials, and will allow B-Con courses to be registered so that ACS and NAEMT can track our progress in training the public in basic bleeding control. There is no cost to use this portal, to access the course materials, or to register courses.

All NAEMT instructors are invited and encouraged to register as a B-Con instructor with ACS. For more information on the national bleeding control initiative, please visit

- sourced from:

I LIVED – Active Violence Response Course

This six-hour course is designed to educate the public on how they can mitigate the loss of life if they find themselves in a violent intruder incident. The goals of I LIVED training are for participants to recognize the need for immediate response to these types of incidents, recognize ways they may intervene, and empower them to make a difference in the event.

I Whether we act as an individual, family, congregation, workplace team or other group we can mitigate loss of life through training and practice. Our goal for participants is to be able to say I LIVED if they ever find themselves in an attack.

Lockdown- There are two types of lockdowns - a soft lockdown (sometimes referred to as a lockout) or hard lockdown utilizing barricading techniques to secure doors and windows. Lockdown techniques are used to isolate the intruder from those they seek to harm.

Information- Information is received through our senses. Whether it is first- hand auditory, visual, or odors, or passed on to us secondhand our senses alert us to danger. We must then convey this danger to others by sharing the information we have with others.

Vary- People tend to adopt routines, using the same entrances and exits to their houses of worship, workplaces, stores, and other places they frequent. It is important to learn to alter routines, explore different options, and look for other ways we can use objects in our environment.

Evade- There are times when physical escape may be possible, but avoidance of the intruder remains critically important. Evasion requires using all available information to make a decision and avoid the attacker.

Defend- Having a survival mindset and being prepared to physically respond to an attacker are personal choices that are emphasized throughout this course.

ICSAVE has an entire cadre of certified instructors trained to provide this life-saving course for NO COST. Contact us direct at for details.

ALICE Training

The purpose of ALICE training is to educate local and school-based law enforcement, as well as church, hospital, workplace administrators and safety professionals about researched-based, proactive response approaches to Violent Intruder events.

The ALICE training program is designed to supplement current "Lock-down" or "Secure-in-Place" procedures used frequently in our public schools and institutions. Tragic historic events have dictated the need of enhanced response options to increase chances of surviving a horrific event.

Permitted Uses of ALICE:

The ALICE Training Institute (ATI) holds the copyrights to all materials created for the ALICE training program. Only individuals who have received an ALICE Instructor Certificate by completing the 2-day ALICE training class and Instructor e-Learning course online may use ALICE materials. Only ATI can conduct official ALICE training, issue individual ALICE certificates of any kind, or certify an organization as ALICE compliant. For further information, to include individualized certification questions and needs, please contact the Training Institute at

ICSAVE has an entire cadre of certified law enforcement instructors trained to provide this life-saving course for NO COST. Contact us direct at for details.

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities' public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats. Research has shown, however, that many of the mass attacks, or active attack events, are over before law enforcement responders arrive on the scene.

Civilians who find themselves embroiled in such an event must be prepared to take immediate action to save their own lives before law enforcement arrives. The average response time for police response to an active attack event is three minutes. Without effective, preplanned response options for civilians at the scene of the attack, many victims can be seriously injured or killed during these three minutes.

The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course, designed and built on the Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD) strategy developed by ALERRT in 2004, provides strategies, guidance and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. Topics include the history and prevalence of active shooter events, civilian response options, medical issues, and considerations for conducting drills.

ICSAVE has an entire cadre of certified law enforcement instructors trained to provide this life-saving course for NO COST. Contact us direct at for details.

Explosive Recognition and School Safety Course

The Explosive Recognition and School Safety Course is a dynamic, multifaceted program instructed by experienced Federal, State and Local Bomb Technicians. It is open to Public Safety and Educational personnel, who will be provided with instruction covering explosive effects, response considerations, and the recognition of explosive components.

The focus of instruction will be in relation to the following topics: Commercial Explosives, Homemade Explosives (HME), Hazardous Material Considerations, Improvised Initiators, Commercial Initiators, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s), Suicide/ Homicide IED’s, Vehicle-Born Improvised Explosive Devices, Blast Injuries, and Search Techniques. Lectures will be supplemented by photos, videos, handouts, and classroom discussion. Emphasis will be placed on Time, Distance, and Shielding: The three largest components of surviving an explosive threat or event. Following didactic instruction, the students will apply what they have learned by participating in various, realistic scenarios. This will allow for the application of tactics learned during the classroom portion. Depending on the facilities obtained for training and the potential for group discipline variations, scenarios may vary.

Course Participants will receive 8 Hours AZPOST Credit, 8 Hours Medical CEs, and an ICSAVE Training Certificate