AZ State Fire School Active Violence Program


Far too often, small, medium, and large communities throughout our nation are being subjected to the horrors of targeted mass violence. There is no template for, nor prediction of, when or where these terrible events will next take place. We in public safety must have a plan and be ready to respond. We must be willing to prepare for active violence events.

Designed to give you something you can take back to your members and implement, this four-day program is a combination of performance-based training and scenarios, coupled with substantive discussion and lecture. We want to help bridge the public safety preparedness gap so we can better serve our communities. None of us can provide easy answers; just attention to detail and help in finding practical, effective solutions.

Our Active Violence Awareness, Preparation and Response Course will investigate domestic and international threats and note the successes, challenges, and failures of the past two decades. We will hear from experts, survivors and first responders of actual active violence events. We will also be providing National Association of Emergency Medical Technician (NAEMT) Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Certification, designed to help public safety professionals prepare for work on these dynamic, potentially violent scenes. To receive TECC Certification, there would normally be an additional $50 fee, however, accreditation will be issued to participants for the discounted rate of $15, which is automatically included as part of your total fire school registration payment. This is the best price you will find anywhere!

We can no longer pretend these things only happen to other people. Join us!

Target Audience: This course is specifically targeted for representatives of public safety organizations who want to share and develop strategies for combating the active violence and mass casualty incident problems facing our communities.

Help Us Save Lives!

Any donations no matter how small are greatly appreciated, tax deductible and will go a long way toward helping us prepare our communities